Camp report: Writing by dictation

I got off to a great start with Camp NaNoWriMo! I started writing at midnight last night, then I wrote again at a writers meet up yesterday evening, and as a result had logged over 3000 words for the day.

Then I realized I should do some more writing later, after midnight, which is my normal time to write, so I’d be sure to have writing done for day two. I just didn’t feel like sitting in front of the computer. So I wrote a big chunk by dictating it into the speech recognition doohickey on my iPad and saved it in Google Docs.

That actually works pretty well, especially if you’re writing in first person and don’t need a lot of quotation marks.

It’s actually how I’m writing this post as well, although I’m writing it directly in the WordPress app on my iPad.

At any rate I feel like I got some really good writing done, with almost no typing and absolutely no handwriting. I was able to explore some of the motivations for one of my primary characters, by putting his history in his own words.

So that’s my report for today. If you don’t want to write, then talk to your iPad for a while. And then save it. Score!

Camp NaNoWriMo has begun!

At midnight, I left for camp.

More specifically, midnight marked the start of Camp NaNoWriMo.

Image courtesy of

Like the month-long NaNoWriMo novel writing month, Camp is also designed to get people to write every day, though this time things are less structured, and you don’t have to write an actual novel in 30 days. You can also set your own word count goal (the official NaNoWriMo goal is 50,000 words, or 1,667 words each day).

I’ve decided to tackle another 50K with Camp, since I was about to write 71K and change last November. My biggest challenge has been deciding what to write. I’m still in the editing process for my NaNo novel and have been struggling with the climax and resolution. I know where I want it to go, but getting there has been a bit more difficult than I expected.

What I have learned in the editing process is that I don’t really know my characters all that well yet. I thought I did, but not knowing how they would handle a complicated issue only goes to prove that they are still strangers in many ways.

Yesterday, on the very eve of Camp, I finally decided that for Camp what I would do would be write vignettes featuring different characters. Backstory, scenes, maybe even full-on short stories. Any character already named in the novel is fair game. After 30 days and 30 new bits, I should know everyone a bit better.

So at midnight I started with one of my main characters, Simon. While I don’t want to get into details about my story or the characters on the blog, suffice it to say he had a troubled childhood thanks to an abusive father, and now, as a graduate student, he’s trying to come to terms with his past, missing family members, and his father’s legacy. That’s not the plot of my novel, but it is what I’m trying to explore within his character. Last night I wrote a couple scenes from when he was 18, just before and just after he started college. It was really fun, seeing him at a different point in time, and learning a little more about what makes him tick.

I’m not sure yet which character I’ll encounter tonight. I’m kind of thinking I want to hang out with Jake, the protagonist of my short story that inspired this novel, The Pink Suitcase. Although he’s not one of the primary characters in my novel, he does have a significant supporting role.

So that’s the report for today from Camp. I’m sure I’ll write more soon.

(ps this post is #1 in what will hopefully be 30 posts as I take part in my colleague Justin’s writing challenge. Join me! 🙂 )

Camp NaNoWriMo: Not one, but many challenges

A true writer can’t resist a writing challenge.

It takes a crazy person to pile them on, one on top of another. 🙂

Photo: Wikipedia
Photo: Wikipedia

About a week ago I decided to commit to doing Camp NaNoWriMo, a somewhat more laid-back version of the November National Novel Writing Month, where you can choose a wider variety of things to write and can make your own word count goal.

Back in November, I had participated in NaNoWriMo proper, and wrote 71,664 words towards a brand new novel during those 30 days, without missing a single day. Since that time I have engaged in the perhaps more painful and difficult task of editing it into an actual, you know, readable piece of writing with good characters, a logical plot, suspense… the kind of things that are hit or miss during a marathon month of writing. In November I created some amazing gems and a lot of stinkers.

I’ve made amazing progress along the way, and the novel, while not complete, is significantly better than it was on December 1st. One thing that happened is that I had to cut a lot of great scenes with peripheral characters whose company I had grown to enjoy. Those characters told me that they’d like their own shot at a novel, so Camp NaNoWriMo will allow me to write the first novel’s sequel. That presents my first challenge.

But wait… how can I think of writing a sequel with the first novel still incomplete? With that, I encounter my second challenge. In the next 16 days, can I finish a rough edit of the first novel so that all of the plot points, climax and resolution are knocked out, so they don’t hang over my head?

water bottle
Photo credit: David Ian Roberts (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

To complicate matters even further, I have just agreed to participate in a 30 day blogging challenge, inspired by one of my colleagues at Automattic. So, for as long as I can manage it, I’m going to try to post here every day in April, almost certainly about my experiences with Camp NaNoWriMo.  I’ll tag all related posts ‘NaNoWriMo’ if you wish to follow my progress.

So in April, expect to hear a lot of ramblings about the highs and lows of writing a novel in a month. If you’re one of my blog followers, feel free to cheer me on (and provide whatever the writer’s equivalent is to a bottle of water for a marathon runner).

There may also be an occasional photo of my pets. After all, it’s not their fault I’m a crazy writer. 🙂

When a writer becomes a novelist

City Lights book art
Thanks to a colleague’s suggestion, this year I took the NaNoWriMo plunge. With less than a month to fashion the concept of a novel, I signed up, drank the koolaid, and jumped off the cliff.

I’ve been writing fiction since grade school, but only in November 2013 did I really start to think of myself as a novelist. And that’s not because I “won” NaNo by writing over 50,000 words, though I did (71,664 to be exact). Nor is it because I “finished” a novel in 30 days, though I did that as well (see below for the synopsis).

I think of myself as a novelist now becase I realize that the art of writing a book isn’t just about putting words down, creating fun characters, and entertaining yourself. It’s actually hard work that requires a great deal of commitment and focus, and many lessons learned along the way.

NaNoWriMo offers writers the opportunity to plunge forth into the alchemical process, providing the crucible where the elements of the world combine within the individual, and through pressure, sacrifice and discipline, transform a person into their inner novelist.

When you start NaNo, and immerse yourself in the craft of writing, the lessons learned along the way are legion.

Writing at least 1700 words every single day is challenging. Sometimes there’s a great idea that’s burning through you and it just has to get written down, even if that means sending yourself an email from the fast food drive thru line. Other days it’s like trying to squeeze out the last of the ketchup. You try and you try and you’re lucky when a drop hits the plate. With NaNo, when the ketchup runs dry, you don’t get a choice: you switch to mustard. It’s those late nights, after one too many beers, when you accept any words on the page. Even if you just write, “this novel is killing me and all I want to do is crawl in bed with my kitties and go to sleep,” it’s progress towards the goal. What’s remarkable is that it’s often just after that admission of defeat when the magic happens, when from your fingertips rushes forth that unexpected scene at a West Texas convenience store with a character you get to meet for the first time.

Writing in a single flow, without taking time to re-read and edit previous days’ efforts, goes against every instinct a writer has. NaNo has a built-in mechanism to prevent tweaking and fiddling: that ever looming deadline and word count total. You’re going to win if it kills you… and some nights, it feels like it might. It’s all about keeping your eyes on the prize, and when you realize that not only does editing kill your momentum, it can shave numbers from your total word count, it becomes a luxury you can’t afford.

vancouver-1In the process of creating your novel, you learn to walk around with a giant, and invisible, butterfly net over your shoulder, ready to snatch up any idea or description or conversation that sparkles and catches your eye. A trip to a Chinese Garden informs a character’s philosophy and decor; a dear friend’s artwork becomes the catalyst for action. And those tiny little interactions with colleagues or Starbucks baristas can turn your entire story inside out.

At some point, perhaps at the kick-off party, in Facebook writing challenges, when searching for a character name within the NaNo forums, or at local write-ins, you discover that NaNoWriMo is more than a writing exercise. There’s also a great community of fellow novelists that offers suggestions, praise, pep talks and word sprints to keep you going. Along the way, after talking to dozens of other writers and reading advice from the pros, you discover that no author is perfect. No writer gets it right the first time. You also revel in the fact that everyone is going through the same hell at the same time, that endless cycle of writing just one more word, but also understand those moments of ecstasy when you get a chapter just right. It’s those fellow NaNo writers who make it easier to reach the finish line.

Of course, there’s your characters. They are devious and conniving, and rarely share their secret, even when you ask nicely (though, sometimes getting them drunk helps). They also are worse than toddlers on a bad day, because the well-written protagonist never listens to her author or does what she’s supposed to, and she never takes breaks when you do. Her best friend’s going to have a meltdown when you’re in line at the grocery store, and you’re going to learn about her boyfriend’s childhood trauma over beers with your friends.

I haven’t mentioned sleep yet, because there’s no rest for the writer. When your antagonist shows up in your dream casually reading To Kill a Mockingbird, you know the characters have won.

And when that happens? Congratulations, you’re a novelist.

hotwells8Novel: The Dream Fixers (Based on my short story “The Pink Suitcase”)
Genre: Speculative fiction/sci-fi/horror
There are a few people, known as dream fixers, who have the unusual ability to visit other people’s dreams and alter them ever so slightly to help the dreamer. When someone begins to cause nightmares so real they bleed over into waking hours, the dream fixers realize they’re the only ones who can stop him. First, though, they have to find him—and he may be closer than they ever expected.

(all photos by Jackie Dana)

Writers’ Angst

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In this short video clip, Ira Glass talks about the craft of writing and how all writers struggle early on with the creative process. He describes how we have great taste, so when what we write doesn’t measure up to what we like, we get frustrated.

The mark of a true writer is the one who fights through the disappointment and discouragement and just keeps going, until one day the writing is good enough.

The most important point is that all writers go through that angst. And as I wind up my NaNoWriMo novel this week (or sometime in the not too distant future!) it’s a point well taken.

BlogathonATX 2013

Yesterday I participated in BlogathonATX 2013, a day-long event in Austin, TX bringing bloggers together for writing, inspiration, site critiques, learning, conversations… and lots of coffee drinking and snacking. It’s a great day to hang out with old friends and make new ones, fix that blog that’s been stashed away in the basement, and clear the cobwebs from your writing brain.

And gain 10 pounds… because there’s never a shortage of food at BlogathonATX. Among other things, this year we had sesame chicken, sushi, fruit and veggie popsicles, artisan chocolate, kale chips, fresh organic juices, local coffee, and more candy and baked goods than was good for us.

As always, it was a great day and I can’t wait until the next one!