Public Reading – and a Discount!

A public reading! Oh my!

On January 23, from 3-5pm at Malvern Books in Austin, TX, I’ll be one of three authors giving a public reading of my novel By Moonrise.

Auriga Project novel cover Lost Library box set covers

Joining me are Matt Herron, author of the sci-fi thriller The Auriga Project and Kate Baray, author of several urban fantasy novels including the Lost Library collection. We’ll each read selections from our books and talk a little about our journey to becoming indie authors, followed by a book signing and refreshments.

All three of us are also active members of the Indie Publishing Austin meetup, so it should be a lot of fun!

In addition to that exciting news, I’m also pleased to announce that I’m having a sale! Leading up to the reading, for a limited time (Jan 18-22), you can purchase the Kindle version of By Moonrise on for only 99 cents! I’m looking to get it into the hands of as many readers as I can, so please tell your friends.

You can also purchase a paperback copy on Amazon, or from me in person if you come out to the reading!

I’ve been having a blast with the book this past month, especially since I had no idea I would be publishing it a year ago. And these days I’m hard at work on several novels, including a paranormal romance/urban fantasy series, The Dream Fixers, and my time travel novel, In the Company of Outlaws. Plus there will be The Hidden Moon, book two in my series that I started with By Moonrise. So there’s a lot happening! For updates and other fun stuff, be sure to sign up on my mailing list.

Thanks for all of your support. If you’re in town, I hope you can come out and support me and my fellow indie authors on Jan. 23rd, and please don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon and Goodreads!

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